Dear Family and all other loved ones,
Thanks for your love and support. I hope that you are all doing well! I'm excited to see you again soon.
This week has been wonderful. I have definitely seen that as I have striven to do my best to serve in every city that I have been in, God is the one who gives the increase (see last week's email). This week we taught a lot of lessons and saw some incredible miracles, one of which being that one of our investigators read the entire Book of Mormon over the last month or so. Two of our other investigators are also doing really well. I am blessed to know that I am leaving my city in a very good place and in very good hands with Sister J.
These things I know.
I know that God lives and that He loves us. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. More than that, He is MY Savior and Redeemer. Everything good that I have and am comes from my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I know that families can be sealed together forever. That brings me so much joy and peace because my family is one of the most importatnt things in the world to me. I am so grateful that I have that assurance that because of the priesthood of God we can be sealed together forever. And we are. I know that God has given us, His children, His power and authority and established His Church so that we can benefit from that priesthood. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the that Church. I know that we have a living prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. I know these things because the Holy Ghost has testified to me of them in my heart and in my mind. I know that God is still a God of miracles. He has worked miracles in my life and miracles in my mission. He has changed me as I have allowed myself to be humble enough to do His will. The gospel of Jesus Christ is real and it changes lives. I know that it is through the gospel that we can find the most peace and joy and happiness available to us in this life and in the world to come. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. ANYONE who wants to know this as well needs only to read it and pray about it. It is such a powerful book. I know that God's timing is perfect. We are not perfect, but through Jesus Chirst it is possible for us to become better. I know that success comes from the Lord in His way and time. I know that the small and simple things like praying, studying the scriptures, going to church, and keeping the commandments will protect us and bless us. I know that God gives us and allows us trials to teach us and to allow us to grow. And I know that God hears and answers prayers. I know that the Atonement makes up for all weaknesses and shortcomings and heals all pain, regardless of the source--be it from our own mistakes, from others, or just our circumstances. I am grateful bejond words for all the people that I have met on my mission, particularly my companions. I am grateful more than I can ever express for every single day of the last 19 months of my life. Truly the Lord has blessed me in abundance, even so much that I do "not have room enough to receive it."
If you do not know these things I invite you to find out yourself if these things are true. You can know by sincerely asking your Heavenly Father in the name of Christ if they are true. And "by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
Thanks one more time for all of your love and support. I love you all!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, October 13, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Act Upon This Instruments in the Hands of the Lord
This week was full of lots of wonderful miracles. One of the biggest was a referral we received a little while ago. We tried looking her up once before but she wasn't home. This week we went back and she was there. We had no more information about her than her name and address, so we didn't really know what to expect. She just let us in and we saw that she had an English Book of Mormon already, and we asked about it. She said that she had received it from Elders in Germany while on vacation and that she wanted to learn more about it and about our religion. We had a really short lesson with her right there, and then set up another appointment for a few days later. We came back with a Chinese Book of Mormon, (she's here from China studying) which she was really excited about. She doesn't yet believe in God, but she would like to develop more faith and is really excited to learn. She said that she got a feeling of peace and that that is part of what she is hoping that religion can give her. She had already begun reading the Bible so she does have some basic understanding of religion. When we asked her if she would be baptized if she knew that it was true she accepted whole-heartedly! She's excited to read the Book of Mormon and she's really open right now. At the end she said her first prayer ever and it was beautiful--it was so innocent and clearly straight from her heart.
I read an article from the Liahona earlier this week entitled, "Act Upon This Land As for Years." ( 2014/08/young-adults/act-upon- this-land-as-for-years?lang= eng) It stated, "When we 'act upon this land as for years,' we begin to recognize opportunities we may not have seen before. We may also see that some of these opportunities may never come our way again." It is not always easy to have this attitude, but it is an important one, because it's how we learn how to truly endure to the end. We are not here on earth to ever just put in time doing something. There is always something to learn, and always someone to be lifted. We really are just instruments in the hands of God. Sometimes He uses us for big, great, visible things--other times we're seed-planters or even seed-waterers. But God gives the increase (see 1 Corinthians 3:6-9: scriptures/nt/1-cor/3.6-9? lang=eng). God brings the harvest. It is our privilege to participate in His work in whatever way or capacity He wants us to. there are lwas in God's harvest. And we may not see the results until we look back at the valleys from the peaks of experience, or even until after this life. But the harvest is there. This is the Lord's work. And we have the privilege to be instruments in His hands to work miracles.
I loved General Conference! I hope you all did as well. It is always one of my favorite times of the whole year. I am so grateful that I get the privilege of being here at this time and serving the Lord in this way. I know that what I am doing is the Lord's work. And I know that I am called to be here at this time by a man who is nothing less than a prophet of God. I know that the Church is true and that the gospel brings us back to our Father in Heaven.
I love you all so much! Keep up the good work and keep being happy. That's the best part. The gospel just makes you happy. :)
Zuster Stevens
Monday, September 29, 2014
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Hallo hallo,
This week has been full of travel, other cities, and miracles. Being a sister training leader's companion is just a different kind of work again, but it's good. I feel privileged that I get to have this one last month here, be it in Gent or Antwerpen or Turnhout or Breda. Or all of them in a single week, haha. Lots of exchanges/meetings. :) On Tuesday on exchange in Antwerpen, we taught a man the law of chastity unexpectedly, and used everything that we had learned in zone training. We even kneeled in the park to pray. It was a really positive lesson, and it was cool to be able to turn around immediately and apply what we had learned, even with another companion.
On Friday we were able to set a baptismal date with a young man we met at a bus stop and who then came to church the next day. He's come 2 more times since then and we've been meeting with him for a few weeks. He's a really good kid, albeit really quiet sometimes.
Yesterday I gave a talk on member missionary work in Sacrament Meeting, and that went pretty well. It's the small and simple things that make a difference, like praying for missionary opportunities, making a simple personal mission plan, or sharing the gospel using social media. We've been really busy lately and that's good. Sometimes it makes the week a little crazy, but we're enjoying ourselves.
This week has been full of travel, other cities, and miracles. Being a sister training leader's companion is just a different kind of work again, but it's good. I feel privileged that I get to have this one last month here, be it in Gent or Antwerpen or Turnhout or Breda. Or all of them in a single week, haha. Lots of exchanges/meetings. :) On Tuesday on exchange in Antwerpen, we taught a man the law of chastity unexpectedly, and used everything that we had learned in zone training. We even kneeled in the park to pray. It was a really positive lesson, and it was cool to be able to turn around immediately and apply what we had learned, even with another companion.
On Friday we were able to set a baptismal date with a young man we met at a bus stop and who then came to church the next day. He's come 2 more times since then and we've been meeting with him for a few weeks. He's a really good kid, albeit really quiet sometimes.
Yesterday I gave a talk on member missionary work in Sacrament Meeting, and that went pretty well. It's the small and simple things that make a difference, like praying for missionary opportunities, making a simple personal mission plan, or sharing the gospel using social media. We've been really busy lately and that's good. Sometimes it makes the week a little crazy, but we're enjoying ourselves.
I'm very grateful for my mission. I'm grateful for the stronger relationship that I've been able to build up with Heavenly Father and the Savior. I'm grateful for the people that I've met and the things that I have learned from them. I'm grateful that I have had the privilege to be an instrument in the hands of God in bringing His children to a knowledge of the truth. I'm grateful that I can say "I'll go where you want me to go" because I know that His plan and His timing and His ways are best. It is sometimes natural to not want to follow those ways because they are hard or because we think we know better. But the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way back to God and it changes lives. It has definitely changed mine.
I love you all and hope you are well!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, September 22, 2014
Improve the Shining Moments
This week has been really busy with meetings and traveling and everything. We had to go to Nederland on Friday and Antwerpen Saturday so that Sister J. could plan for zone training tomorrow. But the Lord has blessed us a lot despite our busyness with Sister J.'s calling as sister training leader. Yesterday we had 4 lessons with people and we ended up setting up several cool appointments for the rest of the week. That was a big miracle since we had been gone pretty much all of Friday and Saturday. Last night we had an appointment with a man who doesn't come to church because of his wife who is a member of another church. However, his testimony is still really strong and he is actively talking with her and the rest of his family about the gospel and the church. Apparently she hasn't been super open in the past, but she's been asking him more questions and when we asked her if we could come back to answer her questions she was pretty receptive. The last time we swung by she was happy to see us and said that we were the first sister missionaries that she had met. She seems to be pretty open to meet with us now!
One of the things that I've learned a lot lately is how short and valuable time, moments, and opportunities are. We as humans tend to think that we have a little more time--but then something happens. Never postpone or procrastinate things, especially in relationships--family, friends, companions, etc.. Do not procrastinate change and repentance either. We really do only have a short amount of time to do what needs t obe done and love those around us. I'm so grateful for the Atonement, which makes my meager efforts worth something and that changes me into someone much better. I am so grateful that I know that my Redeemer lived and died for me, and also that He now lives again. I'm so grateful that I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father, who loves us so much.
I love you all and I'm so grateful for your support! Hope all is well!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, September 15, 2014
Mission Conference with Elder Ballard
The biggest news of the week is that Elder M. Russell Ballard came to our mission to speak, accompanied by Elder Timothy J. Dyches, Elder Donald Hallstrom, and of course their wives. I love coming to conferences with questions. All of my questions were answered, both during my own personal preparation before the conference and during the conference itself. One of the questions I had was about the Atonement, and while preparing for the conference I found a talk called "Beauty for Ashes: The Atonement of Jesus Christ" by Bruce C. Hafen. (click here to read). It really helped me understand the Atonement better, specifically just how much the Atonement makes up for our weaknesses and shortcomings and eventually changes us and sanctifies and purifies us. The conference itself to me had a very loving and appreciative atmosphere, and they repeatedly thanked us for what we do. That was really neat to feel the Lord's love and appreciation as one of His servants spoke personally to our mission.
We also had a cool experience yesterday with an appointment. We went into the lesson not really sure how prepared the man was to progress, but the church member with us testified powerfully and was a fantastic support and it went really well. Also, on Saturday our almost baptismal date (wants to get baptized and just has scheduling things to figure out) asked if she could please pay tithing even though she's not a member. So before her baptism she plans on donating that money to a different fund in the Church, because her desire is so strong to do that. She's amazing.
Second biggest news of the week is transfer calls. I will be staying my last 4 weeks in Gent, which I am very excited about. However, that is tempered by the fact that I will be losing Sister R., who will be going, unexpectedly, to Turnhout. But I will be getting Sister J., who I have worked with quite a bit in the past and who is a good friend. Also, she will be the sister training leader here, which will be fun for all of us, because I will still get to exchange with Sister R.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Windows of Heaven
It was another good week. Our work really has been paying off, and the Lord has blessed us a lot, and we've been a lot more busy and teaching more people. This week wasn't quite as eventful with investigators at church, but we still had 3 there, which is still pretty good for this area. We had a really cool lesson with one of our investigators this week. He is Muslim, and although he is currently not fully practicing, he does still also believe in it. When we first taught him he didn't seem super positive, but he has been reading the Book of Mormon and he came to church last week (just not yesterday because of a prior commitment). However, he isn't sure at the moment how strong his desire is to know because he is now engaged and his fiance is also Muslim. But during our lesson the Spirit was very strong, he got along well with our joint teach, and the lesson (about faith in Jesus Christ) just flowed. At the end my companion had the idea to watch Dankzij Hem (Because of Him), and it was really powerful. Also, the JoVo that came to church two weeks ago when we invited him the night before, has read up to 2 Nephi 11 and has a very sincere desire to learn more and to get an answer. He's a really cool kid.
Yesterday on the way to church after meeting one of our investigators to travel together, we ran into one of the Elders' investigators. He just told me over and over how the Lord must love and bless missionaries. It is so true. He absolutely does. But as with tithing, some of the blessings come more in the form of spiritual strength and growth rather than in temporal blessings (see Elder Bednar's talk from last October on tithing -- click here ) -- yesterday we also taught the gospel principles lesson on tithing. Sometimes on a mission the blessings are very clear and obvious--lots of lessons, no bike problems, plenty of dinner appointments, etc.. Sometimes they come in the form of lessons learned. And sometimes it feels like not a lot is actually happening or changing, but it turns out that in the process we are growing far closer to God and more like Him than we expected or even noticed.
Yesterday on the way to church after meeting one of our investigators to travel together, we ran into one of the Elders' investigators. He just told me over and over how the Lord must love and bless missionaries. It is so true. He absolutely does. But as with tithing, some of the blessings come more in the form of spiritual strength and growth rather than in temporal blessings (see Elder Bednar's talk from last October on tithing -- click here ) -- yesterday we also taught the gospel principles lesson on tithing. Sometimes on a mission the blessings are very clear and obvious--lots of lessons, no bike problems, plenty of dinner appointments, etc.. Sometimes they come in the form of lessons learned. And sometimes it feels like not a lot is actually happening or changing, but it turns out that in the process we are growing far closer to God and more like Him than we expected or even noticed.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
When it rains, it pours...but when it rains, the sun shines brighter :)
Hello hello,
So, you might be wondering why I'm emailing a day late. Very simple, actually, we spent most of our P-day in Antwerpen, waiting for my companion to get stitches because of an incident while playing sports. Don't worry, she's all right, doesn't have much pain, and is patched up very nicely. In fact, we had a miracle last night because of it. But I'll say more about that later.
This week was wet. Very very wet. Pours is an accurate description of the weather. But then it cleared up very nicely and we finished it off with some very cool miracles.
I'll start with one of the biggest miracles--8 nonmembers at church, 6 of them being our investigators! That was an amazing experience. Sometimes it takes some time (and patience), but it feels like all our hard work (and the hard work of the missionaries before us) is finally paying off. That is the most investigators I have ever had in sacrament meeting. The Lord truly is the one in control of this work.
Other miracle: One of our investigators is doing really well and wants to be baptized! She even has a date in her head, just isn't yet ready to say what it is. We went through the baptismal interview questions with her briefly to let her know what all we'll have to talk about in the next few weeks and from her responses she is very ready. We really love her a lot.
Another personal miracle for me was going to the stake barbeque on Saturday. I saw several of the ward members from Heerlen again and that was really cool, especially because they still remembered me. It's been a long time, so it was really neat to see them all again and catch up a little bit. Also, one of them grew up in our branch boundaries and told us to go visit his parents, who aren't coming to church but he says that they're pretty positive.
I know that the Lord protects us and also that He can turn any bad thing into a good thing (see 2 Nephi 2:2: "Thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain"). Because of what happened with Sister R., we were in the right place at the right time to meet this really cool Bulgarian girl who we now have an appointment with. Also, in everyday life there are many things that happen that we don't wish for or expect, but that can be great learning and growth opportunities and chances to grow closer to our Heavenly Father.
I know that the gospel is true and that it is the only way to true and enduring happiness. I am so grateful for the many blessings Heavely Father has given me.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Zuster Stevens
Zuster Stevens
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
O Vast Als Een Rotssteen (How Firm a Foundation)
Groetjes van België! (Greetings from Belgium)
Yesterday we had a huge miracle: this guy we met on Saturday actually came to church! We just met him while walking in a park, and he said that he would come to church the next day and we agreed to meet him at the station. We called him Sunday morning and he asked what time again and then said that he would be there, but he lives in a town that is an hour bus ride away, and we weren't sure if he was just saying that he'd be there. But we went, and there he was, waiting! He said that since we met him he had been thinking about it and wanted to know what the church was all about. So he went to all three hours of church and got a French Book of Mormon (he speaks several languages reasonably well). And we set up an appointment with him. Also this week we had a super good lesson with another man who is agnostic but open, and told him that all his questions would be answered if he read and prayed about the Book of Mormon. After all, that is true.
Everything we do is centered in faith in and hope in Jesus Christ and His Atonement: "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus..." (Hebrews 6:10-12,19-20).
That is one of the reasons I love the Book of Mormon so much--because everything it is is also centered on Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and how through Him we can return to our Heavenly Father.
The gospel is true! Have a wonderful week!
Yesterday we had a huge miracle: this guy we met on Saturday actually came to church! We just met him while walking in a park, and he said that he would come to church the next day and we agreed to meet him at the station. We called him Sunday morning and he asked what time again and then said that he would be there, but he lives in a town that is an hour bus ride away, and we weren't sure if he was just saying that he'd be there. But we went, and there he was, waiting! He said that since we met him he had been thinking about it and wanted to know what the church was all about. So he went to all three hours of church and got a French Book of Mormon (he speaks several languages reasonably well). And we set up an appointment with him. Also this week we had a super good lesson with another man who is agnostic but open, and told him that all his questions would be answered if he read and prayed about the Book of Mormon. After all, that is true.
Everything we do is centered in faith in and hope in Jesus Christ and His Atonement: "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus..." (Hebrews 6:10-12,19-20).
That is one of the reasons I love the Book of Mormon so much--because everything it is is also centered on Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and how through Him we can return to our Heavenly Father.
The gospel is true! Have a wonderful week!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Raining While the Sun is Shinging
I was told that there is a Japanese word that refers to the interesting weather phenomenon when the sun is shining during the rain. Or anders om, I don't really know which is better. We experienced that a lot this week, both literally and figuratively. But I'll talk about that in a minute.
So, I realized that I forgot to mention one of the coolest things that happened not last week, but the week before. There is a member that goes to Sint Niklaas ward but who technically lives in our boundaries (although a bit further away). She is currently a family history missionary, and is really excited about missionary work. She's been just wanting to help the missionaries somehow, and so a few weeks ago she invited us and the Elders over for lunch and then the Elders went finding and we visited a few people that she had been thinking about as she tried to pray for people that could use the gospel. None of the people we visited were home (no appointments), so we just all went tracting together. It was super cool because we ended up with two potentials at the end, and these two women probably wouldn't have accepted the invitation to listen more except she was able to tell them that she was just a normal member of the Church and a nearby neighbor. It was amazing to see her excitement for missionary work and see the miracles that came from that. She attributes a lot of her desire and ability to do missionary work to her thorough study of Preach My Gospel. Elder Ballard's invitation really works!
One of our biggest miracles is an investigator who didn't think that she would be able to meet because of a busy schedule, but Thursday she texted us wanting to meet Friday. We had a really great lesson with her, and at the end she just kept saying that she just loved the feelings that she got from meeting with us and going to church and that she definitely wanted to keep those. Neither she nor we wanted to leave that appointment. We just love her! The best part is that this was one of the many days this week where the weather would go from cloudy to rainy to sunny to all of the above rather quickly. And we were meeting on a park bench. With umbrellas. We're glad she's a good sport.
Sometimes life is a little like that. Sometimes it seems like all is dark and gloomy. And yet, despite the rain, the clouds break open and the sun comes through, a little like God's personal reminder that yes, He really is there, even though you can't always see it. We might have the occasional (or frequent) disappointment, but that's just a little bit of rain while the sun is shining, because life really is good. Especially on a mission. I couldn't ask for anything better.
I learned a lot about faith this week. I learned that faith is primarily a principle of action, rather than just conviction. Just because we don't firmly believe that something will happen doesn't mean we lack faith, unless we then neglect to act on what little belief we do have. As we act without a knowledge or even a firm conviction that something will occur, we are demonstrating real faith--faith that God will reward our efforts and obedience, even if the immediate results are not what we had hoped for. This is the Lord's work.
By the way, everyone should read "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence," from Elder Holland
The gospel is true!
I love you all
Monday, August 11, 2014
Blijf Bij Mij, Heer (Abide With Me)
Transfers this week! Always exciting. Sister R is my new companion and she's wonderful. :)
Well, yesterday a member referral and one of our most positive investigators, and also a good friend, dropped us. We met her husband earlier this week and that went well at the time, but apparently afterwards he looked up more things on the internet, got into some anti material, and decided that he didn't want her to have anything to do with the church anymore. She went to church yesterday anyway when he was sleeping, but that didn't go over well. Her choice now is him or the church, and being a foreigner who moved here only about 6 months ago, she doesn't really have any options. But we will all be praying and I'm sure someday his heart will be softened.
On the bright side, this week we had a really good super-member-present lesson with the girl we taught last week. It was really cool to see what a difference feeling the Spirit is making in her life. She had been going through a hard time before she started coming again, but she loves the church now and the feelings she gets from living the gospel, essentially. The gospel changes lives, and it makes all the difference in the world! Most people think that they don't need anything more than what they have. But they have absolutely no idea what they are missing out on.
On Tuesday Elder Enslow gave a really good district meeting about Mormon. It really puts the rest of the Book of Mormon into perspective to look at Mormon's life. Towards the end of his life, he had lost everything. During most of his life all of the wars and wickedness occurring gave little reason to hope for anything. In fact, at one point he said that he had no hope for his people. And yet he kept going. He kept fighting. He kept loving the people. And in the meantime, he compiled and abridged the Book of Mormon, plus contributed some of the most powerful doctrinal discourses in the book. He knew that the people wouldn't repent. But he still never gave up. Why? Because he had a deep and abiding hope in Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and His Resurrection. Mormon didn't have any converts. He read and wrote about the great prophet-missionaries like Ammon, Alma, and Nephi and Lehi, who converted entire nations--but never saw physically the fruits of his labors. And yet, without Mormon, the world would not be the same. I would not be here, doing what I love most, without him. What he did and contributed changed my life and those of countless people through all eternity. That is a greater perspective. I do not have all of the answers to why certain things happen in life. But I do know that my testimony of Jesus Christ makes everything else not only bearable, but worth it.
Well, yesterday a member referral and one of our most positive investigators, and also a good friend, dropped us. We met her husband earlier this week and that went well at the time, but apparently afterwards he looked up more things on the internet, got into some anti material, and decided that he didn't want her to have anything to do with the church anymore. She went to church yesterday anyway when he was sleeping, but that didn't go over well. Her choice now is him or the church, and being a foreigner who moved here only about 6 months ago, she doesn't really have any options. But we will all be praying and I'm sure someday his heart will be softened.
On the bright side, this week we had a really good super-member-present lesson with the girl we taught last week. It was really cool to see what a difference feeling the Spirit is making in her life. She had been going through a hard time before she started coming again, but she loves the church now and the feelings she gets from living the gospel, essentially. The gospel changes lives, and it makes all the difference in the world! Most people think that they don't need anything more than what they have. But they have absolutely no idea what they are missing out on.
On Tuesday Elder Enslow gave a really good district meeting about Mormon. It really puts the rest of the Book of Mormon into perspective to look at Mormon's life. Towards the end of his life, he had lost everything. During most of his life all of the wars and wickedness occurring gave little reason to hope for anything. In fact, at one point he said that he had no hope for his people. And yet he kept going. He kept fighting. He kept loving the people. And in the meantime, he compiled and abridged the Book of Mormon, plus contributed some of the most powerful doctrinal discourses in the book. He knew that the people wouldn't repent. But he still never gave up. Why? Because he had a deep and abiding hope in Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and His Resurrection. Mormon didn't have any converts. He read and wrote about the great prophet-missionaries like Ammon, Alma, and Nephi and Lehi, who converted entire nations--but never saw physically the fruits of his labors. And yet, without Mormon, the world would not be the same. I would not be here, doing what I love most, without him. What he did and contributed changed my life and those of countless people through all eternity. That is a greater perspective. I do not have all of the answers to why certain things happen in life. But I do know that my testimony of Jesus Christ makes everything else not only bearable, but worth it.
Have a great week!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Finding Joy in the Journey
Well well, transfers are here again. I'm staying and Sister Riley is coming to join me. Sister Hudson, my companion, will be going to Maastricht, which is next to Heerlen.
We've had a good week of finding this week! We've actually met some pretty nice people and I'm sure things will pick up again soon. Things also just feel a little slow right now because we are without bikes right now since Sister Hudson's got stolen. I don't know how other missionaries ever made it on only public transportation here in the past. I'm missing my bike a lot after one week. But we are still making sure to talk to people on public transportation, and we've given out several cards that way at least.
One of our biggest miracles this week was a student who investigated the church about a year ago, but then got busy and stopped. About a month ago she just showed up at church again, but didn't seem to want to make an appointment. Then last week she just came again and we started teaching her again on Tuesday. She really has a sincere desire to know if the Church is true, and she's even felt the Spirit strongly during church, which is why she keeps coming. We had a really good lesson and she's decided to investigate again.
I learned a lot this week about gratitude. When things are not going the way we want them to, it is very easy to get discouraged and disappointed. One of my favorite talks this week was President Uchtdorf's talk from last conference, "Grateful in Any Circumstances." When we live with faith, hope, and confidence that no matter what, if we do our part, things will turn out the Lord's way (which is the best way), we can live with a deep and enduring joy.
A part of this talk:
"This type of gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer.
When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ’s Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven’s embrace.
We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?
Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. It requires that we trust God and hope for things we may not see but which are true. By being grateful, we follow the example of our beloved Savior, who said, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”
True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. It comes from acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life but trusting that one day we will."
I'm grateful that I get to be here in Gent and I love you all!
Zuster Stevens
We've had a good week of finding this week! We've actually met some pretty nice people and I'm sure things will pick up again soon. Things also just feel a little slow right now because we are without bikes right now since Sister Hudson's got stolen. I don't know how other missionaries ever made it on only public transportation here in the past. I'm missing my bike a lot after one week. But we are still making sure to talk to people on public transportation, and we've given out several cards that way at least.
One of our biggest miracles this week was a student who investigated the church about a year ago, but then got busy and stopped. About a month ago she just showed up at church again, but didn't seem to want to make an appointment. Then last week she just came again and we started teaching her again on Tuesday. She really has a sincere desire to know if the Church is true, and she's even felt the Spirit strongly during church, which is why she keeps coming. We had a really good lesson and she's decided to investigate again.
I learned a lot this week about gratitude. When things are not going the way we want them to, it is very easy to get discouraged and disappointed. One of my favorite talks this week was President Uchtdorf's talk from last conference, "Grateful in Any Circumstances." When we live with faith, hope, and confidence that no matter what, if we do our part, things will turn out the Lord's way (which is the best way), we can live with a deep and enduring joy.
A part of this talk:
"This type of gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer.
When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ’s Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven’s embrace.
We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?
Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. It requires that we trust God and hope for things we may not see but which are true. By being grateful, we follow the example of our beloved Savior, who said, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”
True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. It comes from acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life but trusting that one day we will."
I'm grateful that I get to be here in Gent and I love you all!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, July 28, 2014
It is summer in Belgium and that is a fun mixture of rain one day and very humid heat the next. Or sometimes both the same day. It makes for good conversation starters in the bus.
Also the Gentse Feesten [a music and theater festival that includes stage events and random small street acts] have been occurring for the last 10 days. We visited them for about an hour. Crazy stuff. Fun, but it's a mess with public transportation.
On Wednesday we had a really cool lesson with a Belgian mans. He is very smart and pretty well-informed about religion but at the moment really believes that God does not exist. He met the Elders awhile ago on a bus or tram and they gave him a Book of Mormon. A few weeks ago we met him and had a good conversation, but he didn't seem super interested. He had really good questions though, all leading up to the Plan of Salvation. So we gave him a pamphlet and said we'd come back in a few weeks. Tuesday we swung by and he was home, and he'd actually read the pamphlet and had perfect questions leading to the Restoration. We had to go to an appointment though, so we weren't able to teach him until Wednesday.
I learned a lot about faith and obedience yesterday. My companion and I were discussing a question one of the members posed to us about why bad things happen to good people and she said that we demonstrate true faith when we continue to work hard and be obedient, even when nothing seems to be getting better. It reminded me of one of my favorite talks, "But If Not," by Elder Dennis E. Simmons:
"What does the Lord expect of us with respect to our challenges? He expects us to do all we can do. He does the rest. Nephi said, “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.”
We must have the same faith as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
Our God will deliver us from ridicule and persecution, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from sickness and disease, but if not … . He will deliver us from loneliness, depression, or fear, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from threats, accusations, and insecurity, but if not. … He will deliver us from death or impairment of loved ones, but if not, … we will trust in the Lord.
Our God will see that we receive justice and fairness, but if not. … He will make sure that we are loved and recognized, but if not. … We will receive a perfect companion and righteous and obedient children, but if not, … we will have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that if we do all we can do, we will, in His time and in His way, be delivered and receive all that He has."
I love you all! Hope you have a great week!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, July 21, 2014
Greetings from the land of the Vlaams
We had a great week this week. We are gradually finding more investigators and we've been finding more people who are truly prepared to hear and accept the gospel. One of our miracles this week happened on Saturday. We have more or less a standing appointment with this one JoVo [young single adult]. Before I got here, they were also teaching the JoVo's friend. However, with them being very busy with work and school it's been hard to stay in contact with them, but we were still working with the son. Well, on Saturday when we went by for our appointment, the friend was there too! He is still interested and even read some in the Book of Mormon. He had just been really busy.
While reading President Eyring's talk "Daughters in the Covenant," I noticed that he mentioned that we all have a Heavenly Father who sees a far greater potential in us that we see in ourselves. That is true. Sometimes it is easy to see all your weaknesses, and then it can be discouraging to think of trying to overcome them. But the entire point of the Atonement is that we don't have to do that by ourselves. Yes, we all have weaknesses. There are times for all of us where with think that we are a hopeless case and cannot possibly return. However, with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, there is always hope. No one is ever too far gone. We do have to make a choice. We have to turn to Him, and open when He knocks. But "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines."--Elder Holland (Laborers in the Vineyard).
We had a great week this week. We are gradually finding more investigators and we've been finding more people who are truly prepared to hear and accept the gospel. One of our miracles this week happened on Saturday. We have more or less a standing appointment with this one JoVo [young single adult]. Before I got here, they were also teaching the JoVo's friend. However, with them being very busy with work and school it's been hard to stay in contact with them, but we were still working with the son. Well, on Saturday when we went by for our appointment, the friend was there too! He is still interested and even read some in the Book of Mormon. He had just been really busy.
While reading President Eyring's talk "Daughters in the Covenant," I noticed that he mentioned that we all have a Heavenly Father who sees a far greater potential in us that we see in ourselves. That is true. Sometimes it is easy to see all your weaknesses, and then it can be discouraging to think of trying to overcome them. But the entire point of the Atonement is that we don't have to do that by ourselves. Yes, we all have weaknesses. There are times for all of us where with think that we are a hopeless case and cannot possibly return. However, with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, there is always hope. No one is ever too far gone. We do have to make a choice. We have to turn to Him, and open when He knocks. But "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines."--Elder Holland (Laborers in the Vineyard).
Life is good! I love Gent and I love Belgium and I love the gospel and I love you all!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Tijd gaat snel voorbij (The Time is Far Spent)
I'm een klein beetje short on time this week, but the work is going well. We've actually been a lot busier this week, running all over the place for appointments. But there's always time to find. :)
Miracle this week: Yesterday we had a soft appointment with a man that we had looked up recently. We got there and he let us right in (it had been pouring down rain, by the way, so we were absolutely drenched) and he and his wife were both there and we had a pretty good discussion. They are very sweet and he seems to sincerely want to know how to repent.
The gospel is true. The church is true. I love this work so much and I am so grateful that I get to be part of it
Monday, July 7, 2014
French Keyboards
So we´re at the library which means that we have to use a french keyboard. It´s remarkably slow even though only about 5 or so of the letters are changed, and all of the punctuation: Daarom (therefore) the shortness.
Well, we had a good week this week. We got a referral from a member yesterday, which is always cool. Also, one of our investigators accepted a baptismal date this past weekend! That was really cool. We´re managing to stay pretty busy finding, for the rest, which is good. Some of our investigators are also making really good progress--they've been reading the Book of Mormon, which will help them the most.
The other day during my studies I was reading a talk from Elder Holland and he said some things that I really liked: There is no easy, comfortable, or convenient way to salvation or exaltation. Every righteous, good, worthy effort is almost certain to be opposed. Why? Because if we are to become like God and enjoy the happiness He enjoys we have to pay the price. And because this is so important the price is almost always higher than we at first really want to pay. But because He loves us, He has made it possible to do, with His help, as always.
In a way, life´s a little like french keyboards: sometimes obnoxious without really understanding the reason, but worth it to write your family. And just when you think you know what you´re doing: it turns out thqt qll the letters qre in the zrong (or just different) spot qnyzqy:
This is the work of the Lord! I love you all!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Welcome to Gent!
Gent is beautiful! It's going to be a very good transfer. We've already seen a lot of miracles this week with finding new investigators and everything. On Wednesday evening when I got here we taught a man who was a Facebook referral a long time ago but who then got busy. He's really cool and is definitely looking for answers. Also, on Saturday we taught one of our investigators who was going through a really low point when he met the sisters a few weeks ago. But now he's praying regularly and is reading from the Book of Mormon. And he came to church yesterday! He really seemed to enjoy it and feel the Spirit. It was cool to see the light in his eyes. Also, the friend of a member came to church again this week and this time we were able to set up an appointment and get an address.
I learned a lot from reading Alma 14:14-25 this week during personal study. There is a law in heaven, that when we keep the commandments and do the will of the Lord, that we will receive great blessings--in time. It is a principle of life in order for us to learn that the blessings are at times delayed. We might not always understand why, when we try to be obedient and work hard and do our best that bad things happen--or maybe that nothing happens. But the Lord know better than we do. No effort is wasted--not only for other people, but for ourselves. We change in the process. What we clearly see from every prophet or missionary (or even just person) ever, is that we must learn patience through trial, tribulation, and heartbreak, and we will be rejected. But we will also always be more than compensated. In time.
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." Doctrine and Covenants 123:17
I love this gospel and I love being a missionary! And I love you all!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Gij Zijt Mijn Hoogste Goed (I Need Thee Every Hour)
So I'm being transferred to Gent, Belgium. My companion will be Sister H., who was in my MTC group. This´ll be the first time I've had a companion from my group or older since my first transfer. I´m excited! I will miss Dordrecht though.
I have learned a lot about what the Lord wants and expects from me this transfer. He expects us to "whate'er thou art, act well thy part." He expects us to be true disciples, which means that we must lift where we stand, do our very best, and put our whole heart and souls into what we do. I am grateful that I know that every calling in the Church, and every transfer call on a mission, is directly from the Lord.
This week has been fantastic. We met with a JoVo (young single adult) girl who we thought would not be super happy to meet with us because it took so long to schedule an appointment. But she was super cool and we had a really good talk. She was really open with us. We also found and started teaching a man who investigated the the Church a little in Curacao and now is seriously considering baptism.
Because of the Atonement, Christ has already overcome everything. We may have trials and tribulations, but ultimately what we have to do is "endure it well" and accept the Atonement.
Have a great week!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Priceless Heritage of Hope
This week we saw one of our investigators op straat (in the street) totally randomly and got a chance to talk to him. We were a little worried because for about a week and a half after coming to church he hadn't maintained contact the ward member who was emailing. But we gave him a few pamphlets, which apparently he read, because yesterday we heard that he´d emailed again with a few more questions and said that he´d read them. Also, the fireside on Friday and Zone Conference on Saturday were both incredible. An Area 70 who lives in our mission, and his wife, came to speak. It was wonderful that the Spirit was so present. I learned so much and I hope that I can apply it in the coming weeks.
Our other investigator is getting closer to baptism, but isn´t quite there yet. He just needs to be reading more consistently in the Book of Mormon!
This week was hope week, and I actually learned a lot about the power of hope. One of the things that I learned is that even if you don´t have an overwhelming feeling of peace, optimism, and joy, you can still have an enduring hope for the future. Those things are definitely a part of hope, but there are times that things are hard and those feelings are not the first ones on your mind. However, part of hope too is staying positive during opposition, and having "faith that if we act now, the desired blessings will be fulfilled in the future" (PMG 117). While we do not always know what will happen, we do know that the Lord is in control and that He will take care of us. We can have "confidence and assurance that all things will work together for our good" (PMG 117). I´m so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the peace and hope that it brings.
I love you all! Stay strong!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, June 9, 2014
Voorwaarts, Christenstrijders! (Onward, Christian Soldiers)
Things are coming right along in Dordrecht! It´s starting to get warmer. Enjoy all your dry climates while you can, lucky duckies. On Wednesday we gave a lesson on the door to a cool man. We had given him a Book of Mormon during the original contact and told him to read Moroni 10:3-5. (Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.) When we went back, he had read it and he said that that was really what he needed to hear that week. We also were able to teach the whole Restoration to him right there and at the end he said that everything we had said seemed in harmony with what he believed and so he was excited to read more out of the Book of Mormon and learn more about our message. He´s a very sincere person and is really involved in helping others and while doing so trying to help them see the importance of Jesus Christ. We´ve got a follow-up appointment with him this week and we´re really excited.
Yesterday was Stake Conference, and we saw the satellite broadcast Stake Conference that they did for Europe. I really learned a lot, particularly from President Uchtdorf´s talk. He talked about testimonies and how we need to be constantly working on building them. We can´t stop at a certain point and think that we´re fine. We are all in danger of losing our testimonies if they´re not constantly growing. It applies to investigators and it applies to us. I´m so grateful for my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that it changes people. I have seen it´s effects work miracles in my own life and the lives of those around me. It helps us be happier. I am so grateful that I know that I have a Savior who has redeemed me and who is also there to help and strengthen me in my trials. I have felt His help. I am grateful for my testimony that my family can be together forever. I can think of no greater blessing. I am grateful to know that God lives, and that He hears and answers prayers. I have seen the great joy and blessings and freedom that come from obedience. I am so grateful for my testimony.
I love you all and hope you´re doing well!
Zuster Stevens
Monday, June 2, 2014
Kom, Volg Mij Na (Come, Follow Me)
Yesterday we had a super cool miracle. A few months ago this 18-year-old ordered a Book of Mormon and we took it over to him. He´d seen the church online. He set up an appointment with us, but it turns out his parents did not approve, so he called us and told us he couldn't meet, but that he would stay in contact via texting. A little while later he told us that he had some questions but that it would be easiest to email them. So we sent him the email address of one of our members. He apparently got busy with school or something, because we didn't hear anything for a month or so, and then he sent a long list of 7 very good questions about the Church and Church doctrine (we got a copy of them later from the member). The member is a returned missionary of a few years and super excited about missionary work. Then yesterday he came to church, with his mother! And they sat with the member who he had emailed and he said that he might come again! Also, on Tuesday we had a way cool lesson with this lady who just let us right in and is so sincere. She was very willing to set up another appointment with us.
One of the biggest miracles of all this week: one of our investigators has gone a week without coffee! That´s been one of his biggest struggles and it is incredible to see him doing it.
This week I learned a lot about how important it is to not judge others. Why is that so important? Because you hurt yourself spiritually. It´s harder for people to trust you when you are judging other people. Trust is a two-way thing and a lot of times people will trust you more as you trust them. It is so important to remember that we are all children of God, and He loves us very much. We all, every one of us, has sins and weaknesses. We´re all striving to get back to our Heavenly Father. And because God loves us so much, He has given us a Savior so that we can return to live with Him again. He has made it possible for every one of us. And because He loves us so much, repentance is available to all of us, no matter what we´ve done, when we finally decide that we are tired of living below our true potential, humble ourselves, and turn to Him. It is never too late so long as He says there is time. Because He loves us so much, He has promised us eternal happiness, but because that gift is so priceless, He asks a high price of us. He asks us to give up all of our sins for Him. But when we do so, we get more than we could ever imagine in return. It´s not that it´s not hard, because it is and always will be. But what it is most of all is worth it. And it is absolutely worth it. The Lord is intimately involved in the details of our lives. All flesh is in His hands. He knows what we need and when we need it. He loves us perfectly. These things I know.
I love you all! The gospel of Jesus Christ is true!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Wees Stil en Weet dat Ik God Ben (Be Still and Know that I Am God)
Groetjes! (Greetings!)
This whole week was a total miracle. First of all, zone conference was fantastic. It was one of the best zone conferences I have ever been in. I hope that I am able to apply what we learned, especially about raising our expectations. We've already been working hard on it! On Friday and Saturday we found 4 new investigators, bringing our total for the week to 6, which is the highest we've had it since I've come to Dordrecht. It really was a miracle how it all happened. On Monday we were able to schedule another lesson with someone who had met with us before but wanted to wait before setting up a follow-up appointment. Tuesday we taught a man we found 2-2-5ing a few weeks ago who is quite interested now. On Friday we had a lesson with a man that we found during Koningsdag, who we had actually at one point nearly given up on because a few of our appointments with him had already fallen through. And his cousin was also there, so we were able to teach her too and set up a new appointment with both of them. On Saturday one of the appointments we had scheduled fell through when we got there, but the lady's husband answered the door and we were actually able to have a pretty good lesson with him right there. Later he texted us thanking us for coming and for praying with him and said that he believed that we were sent from God. Then later that evening another appointment fell through, so we swung by a different potential who lived in the area and had a lesson with him on the door. We've been really busy, which is probably the best part.
Also, this 18-year-old kid who requested a Book of Mormon a month or two ago but whose parents didn't want us coming over emailed one of our members this week, as arranged, with a list of questions. They were really good questions too! He really is looking and sincere, which is cool.
Also, it's official. I'm extending to mid-October. Thanks for all of your support!
What I learned this week: "Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God."--Doctrine and Covenants 101:16
The gospel is true and this is the Lord's work! The Atonement truly can heal us of everything and help us through everything.
I love you all!
Liefs, (Love)
Zuster Stevens
Monday, May 19, 2014
U Wil Ik Volgen, Heer (Lord, I Would Follow Thee)
So this is something I've been thinking about and thought I´d share with you all:
Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3, the most important part being verse 3, "Remember, remember, that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men." Recently I read another talk where a little girl, after suffering a disappointment, says something to the effect of "Heavenly Father, I don´t want you to be my servant anymore. I just want to be yours." Sometimes I get frustrated or disappointed with myself or how the work in my area is progressing. It is easy to feel discouraged. But really, these kinds of thoughts are self-centered. If there is a work that can be and is being frustrated, than it is that of mortal people. So if the work I am doing is being frustrated, it is because I´m trying to do my work and not His. There are times that we experience different trials and heartache because He is out to purify us. There are often things in missionary work that just break our hearts: people not willing to just read and pray about the Book of Mormon, investigators that struggle with addictions or with specific commitments, new members who are having a hard time, inactive members who don´t realize what they are missing by staying away from the Church. This is eternal life! This is all of the happiness we can receive in the entire world. This is everything to me and can mean so much for these people. And it´s hard. But it´s supposed to be. It´s also worth it. No matter what the opposition is, it is the work of the Lord and He is doing it. And it is always, always worth it. I have been so happy on my mission. I am so happy right now. The Lord has blessed me so much. There are of course things that I need to change to make myself a more effective servant of the Lord. But we need never fear or grow discouraged. This work is true. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. And I´m so grateful for that.
Probably one of the biggest miracles we've been seeing this week is how much our investigator has been progressing. We actually loaned him an extra copy of Preach My Gospel that we had in our apartment and during some of the lessons we have him prepare to teach us the lesson. It´s been working really well. He´s finally making a lot more progress with quitting coffee and he has a baptismal date again. It is truly remarkable to see the change in him. He is a different person than he was 3 months ago, and it´s not just the knowledge that he has gained. He has become someone who feels spiritual things. It is a miracle.
Life is good. I love the gospel, I love my Heavenly Father and Savior, and I love all of you. Have a great week!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Sunshine in the Soul
Some of our biggest miracles came in the form of new investigators. We met a lady on Koningsdag who we had a lesson with this week. She is really interested in learning more and is very open. She also seems pretty committed to doing things to find her answers, which is cool. She has gone to lots of churches in the past and already has a lot of faith. Also this week we had a first lesson with a former investigator who was super positive and then just ended up getting really busy with work and then confused by things he heard from other people and other religions. But he´s also really open and committed to learning more.
Then we also had a few miracles with progressing investigators. One of the women we´ve been teaching is Russian, and so there is a tricky language barrier. But this week one of our members (who is also Russian) was able to come with us and that helped a lot. And another lady we started teaching last week, is turning out to be pretty positive. When we first met her she didn´t seem very interested, but during our last appointment she had already started reading the Book of Mormon and seems to understand that this is important.
Also, our investigator closest to baptism is finally making progress stopping drinking coffee!
Rainy week in terms of weather, but there is always sunshine in the soul.
One of the things that I´ve been thinking about lately is about how Heavenly Father calls us to certain things or gives us certain trials or experiences in life to help us in our quest to become more like Him. Knowing is important. Doing is important. But becoming is the most important of all. That´s what the gospel and the Atonement are all about. The gospel changes us into something better. When we have faith in Jesus Christ, then we repent and change. We make covenants and start over fresh with baptism and by partaking of the sacrament. And we receive the Holy Ghost to sanctify us and help us on our journey home. Everything in life is made better through the gospel of Jesus Christ and through His Atonement. Some people think that they can do without, that faith isn´t that important. But it´s not true. This is everything. This is eternal life. This is enduring peace, happiness, and hope. This is answers to all the questions we have about life, both this one and the next one. I have found more joy in this than in anything else in the world, and it adds to all the joy I find in other things. I just want other people to be able to find that joy too. People ask us why we emphasize the Book of Mormon so much. It´s because reading it and praying about it have opened so much happiness to me. Why wouldn´t I want to share that with other people? Shall we not go on in so great a cause?
Zuster Stevens
Monday, May 5, 2014
Worth It
By far the highlight of this week was going to the temple. I love going to the temple so much, it is unbelievable how much I missed that the last 6 months. It always gives me such a new perspective on life and everything. One of our biggest goals for all these people is that they eventually be able to go to the temple as well. There is so much peace and joy there. I want everyone to be able to experience that.
We had a couple other cool miracles this week too. We had two unexpected lessons--one was with a potential who had not seemed very positive but who said we could come back. So we went back this week and she just let us in! At first she seemed sort of hesitant, but by the end of the lesson she was interested in learning more. The next evening we were just finding in a neighborhood after another potential wasn't home, and someone just let us up. The people living in the apartment turned out to not be too interested, but they had a neighbor over and he asked us good questions that led into the Restoration, and wants to meet with us again. It was neat because he said that he´d been living in that apartment for awhile and no one had ever come by to talk about religion before us. And then we belled his neighbor while he was there. He said that he doesn't believe in coincidence. Me neither--toeval bestaat niet! [there are no coincidences]
One of the things that I learned this week is that what we do and accomplish is not as important as what we become. Sometimes we wish that we had all the answers before we started a job or a calling (or a mission). Then we would have been the whole time the person that we wanted to be at the beginning, instead of learning it and becoming it and then only having a bit of time at the end to be that before it´s time for us to move on. But that defeats the purpose! If Heavenly Father wanted us to do everything right the first time, then we would have come with more experience. But He wants us to learn and grow from it.
Zuster Stevens







We had a couple other cool miracles this week too. We had two unexpected lessons--one was with a potential who had not seemed very positive but who said we could come back. So we went back this week and she just let us in! At first she seemed sort of hesitant, but by the end of the lesson she was interested in learning more. The next evening we were just finding in a neighborhood after another potential wasn't home, and someone just let us up. The people living in the apartment turned out to not be too interested, but they had a neighbor over and he asked us good questions that led into the Restoration, and wants to meet with us again. It was neat because he said that he´d been living in that apartment for awhile and no one had ever come by to talk about religion before us. And then we belled his neighbor while he was there. He said that he doesn't believe in coincidence. Me neither--toeval bestaat niet! [there are no coincidences]
One of the things that I learned this week is that what we do and accomplish is not as important as what we become. Sometimes we wish that we had all the answers before we started a job or a calling (or a mission). Then we would have been the whole time the person that we wanted to be at the beginning, instead of learning it and becoming it and then only having a bit of time at the end to be that before it´s time for us to move on. But that defeats the purpose! If Heavenly Father wanted us to do everything right the first time, then we would have come with more experience. But He wants us to learn and grow from it.
Zuster Stevens
Picture is worth a thousand words: Keukenhof
[Keukenhof, in Lisse, also known as the Garden of Europe, is the world's second largest flower garden.]
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Happy Koningsdag!
Well, of course one of the greatest miracles about this week was Koningsdag [which is the King's birthday; he was the Prince of Orange]. We were in market in Dordrecht with the Sliedrecht Elders and the Gouda Sisters having a booth to give stuff away and it was a lot of fun. We were able to give away probably at least 30 Books of Mormon, probably more, and we gave away tons of cards. Also plenty of pamphlets and DVDs. We also had a lot of really good conversations with people and several of them were genuinely interested in learning more. Also, one of our investigators that Sister A and I found who was really positive but then got busy/sort of disappeared showed up too and we got to talk to him! We'd already made an appointment with him on the phone, but it was cool to see him and get to talk to him a little bit. And he had another friend with him that might be interested too, so that was a great miracle. And one of the greatest miracles of all that day: it didn't rain a drop the whole day, even though we were supposed to get at least a bit of a storm.
Best part of Koningsdag? Lots of orange.
Sometimes it's difficult to watch members or investigators really struggling with certain trials--either those they caused for themselves or those that just happened in their lives. But it's important to remember that first of all those trials exist for all of us. It's all part of the plan! We accepted it when we chose to come here. And second, great trials make great people. There has never been a great man or woman without a great effort against a great problem. The one thing ALL successful people have in common is that they endured a difficult situation. We can't wish away our difficulties. They are what refine us.
Also, I love Alma 26:2-3, 11-12. (And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell? Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work. ... I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.) One of the greatest gifts of a mission is the privilege to be an instrument in the hands of God.
Hope you all have a great week!
Zuster Stevens
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
It´s Easter! And for those of you that think it´s not still Easter, welcome to Nederland. We are enjoying a very quiet second Easter here. There is literally no one on the streets.
We had a super cool lesson this week with a family here. She is a member from Costa Rica and he is very religious but not a member. Before they got married, so 10 years ago, he came to a sacrament meeting here and just didn't really like it that much. Then when he was in Costa Rica he met with the missionaries once and basically had a bad experience with it. Then they got married and moved here and they would only go to church in Costa Rica when they went on vacation. My first week in Dordrecht they came to church, apparently because he felt like they should. They were gone for the rest of that transfer on vacation, but last Sunday they came to church again and we set up an appointment. We had a really good talk with them and were able to answer one of his big questions, about why a restoration was necessary. His wife told us later that that was one of his big concerns. They are a wonderfully nice couple and it was really nice to be there with them and see how the Lord has been working with him in particular to prepare him.
Also, last night we had a stake Easter concert, and it was beautiful. Our investigator came too and seemed to really enjoy it. And one of our members brought a friend and she seemed to have a really good time.
I think that one of my favorite things to remember and try to internalize during the Easter season is hope. No matter how dark the Friday, Sunday will come. We run into difficult trials and frustrating things on nearly a daily basis--not just in missionary work, but also in life. But it doesn´t matter, actually, what happens during these trials--there is always hope, because the tomb was empty. Jesus Christ atoned and died for us. But then he rose again, that we may all live again. I know that this is true.
Life is good! Hope all is well for all of you!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Referral Miracles!
Referral miracle week! So we ended up getting 3 referrals from the Facebook project this week, (our mission has a Facebook page and they´re doing an Easter campaign) which is just super exciting. One of the ladies was super nice and said that we could come back! That was cool. But better yet was our headquarters referral, who we went to see yesterday. He's a young man who saw an "I am a Mormon" video online and wanted to learn more and get a copy of the Book of Mormon. So he's already been reading the Book of Mormon (from an app) and is up through 2 Nephi 9. Say what?! He´s studying history and really likes the Book of Mormon so far. And he said that there are some things that we believe that he also believes but hadn't heard from other people before. And we've got an appointment set up for this week and we're really excited!
Also, our other investigator has been making some amazing progress. A couple days ago he made a major breakthrough in feeling the Spirit in a very rational way testify to him that God exists. He really feels like this is enriching his life and he´s just doing really well. He's also getting excited all on his own to share it with other people. He is giving a Book of Mormon to a friend and has a list of people that he wants to invite to his baptism! So we're finalizing our plans for his baptism!
I really liked this quote from President Eyring from his Conference address last October conference, especially when it comes to difficult or discouraging times in missionary work, "There is joy guaranteed for the faithful. From before the world was, a loving Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son loved and worked with those who They knew would wander. God will love them forever."
As I said in my sacrament meeting talk yesterday, faith precedes the miracle. The miracles will come as we trust in Him. One of my favorite talks, "But If Not" by Elder Dennis E. Simmons, talks about this. We will be obedient no matter what. Even if the blessings that we want don´t come, we will be faithful. And we do this because we can have a perfect hope that no matter what happens in this life, we will receive far greater blessings in the eternal world.
Hope all is well! I love being a missionary!
Also, our other investigator has been making some amazing progress. A couple days ago he made a major breakthrough in feeling the Spirit in a very rational way testify to him that God exists. He really feels like this is enriching his life and he´s just doing really well. He's also getting excited all on his own to share it with other people. He is giving a Book of Mormon to a friend and has a list of people that he wants to invite to his baptism! So we're finalizing our plans for his baptism!
I really liked this quote from President Eyring from his Conference address last October conference, especially when it comes to difficult or discouraging times in missionary work, "There is joy guaranteed for the faithful. From before the world was, a loving Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son loved and worked with those who They knew would wander. God will love them forever."
As I said in my sacrament meeting talk yesterday, faith precedes the miracle. The miracles will come as we trust in Him. One of my favorite talks, "But If Not" by Elder Dennis E. Simmons, talks about this. We will be obedient no matter what. Even if the blessings that we want don´t come, we will be faithful. And we do this because we can have a perfect hope that no matter what happens in this life, we will receive far greater blessings in the eternal world.
Hope all is well! I love being a missionary!
Monday, April 7, 2014
And When Everyone's Super...
Of course, one of the highlights of this week was conference. I loved ALL the talks and really can´t pick a favorite, so hold your questions on that one. I have to admit, I was a really big fan of Elder Ballard´s talk, mainly because it´s about missionary work! I love it! Conference seriously is the best.
We had a good week. One of our miracles is that our investigator came to all the broadcasted sessions of General Conference and seemed to really like it! We also had a lesson with a former investigator who seemed pretty closed off when we first contacted him. But during our lesson he had lots of really good questions. He still has a lot of his own views, but it was a cool lesson.
One of the things I learned this week comes from a false statement made on the Incredibles. The bad guy on the show says, "And when everyone´s one will be." I realized that this is absolutely false in the context of the gospel. I think a lot of people go on their missions or go about their lives secretly hoping to be a hero, to be a legend. Even if it´s a desire they would never vocalize, most people want that at least to some extent. We want to be remembered, and we want to be special. But then we come into the field or make a few mistakes in life or just aren´t what we originally envisioned at this point in our lives. Then we realize that we actually have a really long ways to go, and it seems impossible that we´ll become that hero that we want to be--partly because we´re carrying a false idea with us that if everyone´s super, that makes us less super. The solution to this false doctrine is realizing that just because there are many heroes doesn´t mean that we can´t also be heroes. One of the beautiful things about a mission is that there are enough problems, trials, struggles, and tests to go around. No one has a monopoly on a difficult mission or life or on all of the trials. We all have the opportunity to experience those trials at the same time--and everyone also has the chance to be a leader. It might not always be in a visible position. It might not be to all of the missionaries or to all of our colleagues or friends. We might not end up as a legend to anyone besides one companion, one investigator, one little branch, one friend, or even just our family. But there are enough chances for us to ALL be super. Because we are literally children of God, we are all super. We are divine. And if nothing else, we can be a legend to our Heavenly Father, because He knows what we´ve gone through, even if no one else ever does. And His opinion is the only one that ever really matters.
We are never too old to learn. We are never too old to change. I love General Conference because it is a 6 month reminder of that fact. There is always room for improvement, but there is always time and hope as long as the Master says there is.
Sister Thorley and I are doing fantastic! We will have a very good transfer.
I hope you´re all doing well!
Zuster Stevens
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