Monday, April 7, 2014

And When Everyone's Super...

Of course, one of the highlights of this week was conference. I loved ALL the talks and really can´t pick a favorite, so hold your questions on that one. I have to admit, I was a really big fan of Elder Ballard´s talk, mainly because it´s about missionary work! I love it! Conference seriously is the best.

We had a good week. One of our miracles is that our investigator came to all the broadcasted sessions of General Conference and seemed to really like it!  We also had a lesson with a former investigator who seemed  pretty closed off when we first contacted him. But during our lesson he had lots of really good questions. He still has a lot of his own views, but it was a cool lesson.

One of the things I learned this week comes from a false statement made on the Incredibles. The bad guy on the show says, "And when everyone´s one will be." I realized that this is absolutely false in the context of the gospel. I think a lot of people go on their missions or go about their lives secretly hoping to be a hero, to be a legend. Even if it´s a desire they would never vocalize, most people want that at least to some extent. We want to be remembered, and we want to be special. But then we come into the field or make a few mistakes in life or just aren´t what we originally envisioned at this point in our lives. Then we realize that we actually have a really long ways to go, and it seems impossible that we´ll become that hero that we want to be--partly because we´re carrying a false idea with us that if everyone´s super, that makes us less super. The solution to this false doctrine is realizing that just because there are many heroes doesn´t mean that we can´t also be heroes. One of the beautiful things about a mission is that there are enough problems, trials, struggles, and tests to go around. No one has a monopoly on a difficult mission or life or on all of the trials. We all have the opportunity to experience those trials at the same time--and everyone also has the chance to be a leader. It might not always be in a visible position. It might not be to all of the missionaries or to all of our colleagues or friends. We might not end up as a legend to anyone besides one companion, one investigator, one little branch, one friend, or even just our family. But there are enough chances for us to ALL be super. Because we are literally children of God, we are all super. We are divine. And if nothing else, we can be a legend to our Heavenly Father, because He knows what we´ve gone through, even if no one else ever does. And His opinion is the only one that ever really matters.

We are never too old to learn. We are never too old to change. I love General Conference because it is a 6 month reminder of that fact. There is always room for improvement, but there is always time and hope as long as the Master says there is.

Sister Thorley and I are doing fantastic! We will have a very good transfer.

I hope you´re all doing well!

Zuster Stevens

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