Monday, August 18, 2014

Raining While the Sun is Shinging

I was told that there is a Japanese word that refers to the interesting weather phenomenon when the sun is shining during the rain. Or anders om, I don't really know which is better. We experienced that a lot this week, both literally and figuratively. But I'll talk about that in a minute.

So, I realized that I forgot to mention one of the coolest things that happened not last week, but the week before. There is a member that goes to Sint Niklaas ward but who technically lives in our boundaries (although a bit further away). She is currently a family history missionary, and is really excited about missionary work. She's been just wanting to help the missionaries somehow, and so a few weeks ago she invited us and the Elders over for lunch and then the Elders went finding and we visited a few people that she had been thinking about as she tried to pray for people that could use the gospel. None of the people we visited were home (no appointments), so we just all went tracting together. It was super cool because we ended up with two potentials at the end, and these two women probably wouldn't have accepted the invitation to listen more except she was able to tell them that she was just a normal member of the Church and a nearby neighbor. It was amazing to see her excitement for missionary work and see the miracles that came from that. She attributes a lot of her desire and ability to do missionary work to her thorough study of Preach My Gospel. Elder Ballard's invitation really works!

One of our biggest miracles is an investigator who didn't think that she would be able to meet because of a busy schedule, but Thursday she texted us wanting to meet Friday. We had a really great lesson with her, and at the end she just kept saying that she just loved the feelings that she got from meeting with us and going to church and that she definitely wanted to keep those. Neither she nor we wanted to leave that appointment. We just love her! The best part is that this was one of the many days this week where the weather would go from cloudy to rainy to sunny to all of the above rather quickly. And we were meeting on a park bench. With umbrellas. We're glad she's a good sport.
Sometimes life is a little like that. Sometimes it seems like all is dark and gloomy. And yet, despite the rain, the clouds break open and the sun comes through, a little like God's personal reminder that yes, He really is there, even though you can't always see it. We might have the occasional (or frequent) disappointment, but that's just a little bit of rain while the sun is shining, because life really is good. Especially on a mission. I couldn't ask for anything better.

I learned a lot about faith this week. I learned that faith is primarily a principle of action, rather than just conviction. Just because we don't firmly believe that something will happen doesn't mean we lack faith, unless we then neglect to act on what little belief we do have. As we act without a knowledge or even a firm conviction that something will occur, we are demonstrating real faith--faith that God will reward our efforts and obedience, even if the immediate results are not what we had hoped for. This is the Lord's work.
The gospel is true!
I love you all

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