Monday, June 16, 2014

Priceless Heritage of Hope


This week we saw one of our investigators op straat (in the street) totally randomly and got a chance to talk to him. We were a little worried because for about a week and a half after coming to church he hadn't maintained contact the ward member who was emailing. But we gave him a few pamphlets, which apparently he read, because yesterday we heard that he´d emailed again with a few more questions and said that he´d read them. Also, the fireside on Friday and Zone Conference on Saturday were both incredible. An Area 70 who lives in our mission, and his wife, came to speak. It was wonderful that the Spirit was so present. I learned so much and I hope that I can apply it in the coming weeks.

Our other investigator is getting closer to baptism, but isn´t quite there yet. He just needs to be reading more consistently in the Book of Mormon!

This week was hope week, and I actually learned a lot about the power of hope. One of the things that I learned is that even if you don´t have an overwhelming feeling of peace, optimism, and joy, you can still have an enduring hope for the future. Those things are definitely a part of hope, but there are times that things are hard and those feelings are not the first ones on your mind. However, part of hope too is staying positive during opposition, and having "faith that if we act now, the desired blessings will be fulfilled in the future" (PMG 117). While we do not always know what will happen, we do know that the Lord is in control and that He will take care of us. We can have "confidence and assurance that all things will work together for our good" (PMG 117). I´m so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the peace and hope that it brings.

I love you all! Stay strong!

Zuster Stevens

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