Monday, October 21, 2013

Hope Transfer

Well, transfers always bring all kinds of exciting things! We need to keep changing in order to keep growing, so that means we need lots of change. Sister Hoff is a fantastic companion: an excellent teacher and a great friend. We're going to have a great time in Assen.

We had some pretty fantastic miracles this week. The biggest I would say is that we are now teaching two families! We're still not sure where it's going yet with either of them, but that was something that we've been praying for for the last two transfers, so that's a big deal for us. The first family we met a few weeks ago langs de deur (literal translation, through the door), and she gave us 9 referrals on the spot. We had a lesson with them on transfer day and it went really well. They had already read 3 Nephi 11, Alma 32, and Moroni 10 because it was on the Questions of the Soul card and said that they really liked Moroni 10. We taught them the Restoration and extended a baptismal invitation, and they said they want to meet with us again and that they're going to keep reading! The Spirit was really strong and it was a super good lesson. We don't have a follow-up appointment yet, but we do have a promise of one, and I think that it'll go through. The other family was found by some of our Elders during the blitz. She hadn't taken a Book of Mormon after our first lesson because she thought we were a sect, but we had a super powerful lesson with her the other night and at the end she wanted a Book of Mormon. Her husband wasn't there the whole lesson, but he was in the background for part of it and I know that she tells him everything. I've got very high hopes for both of these families!

Every transfer I work on a Christlike attribute from PMG, plus whatever one I'm working on during the week. My Christ-like attribute for this transfer was hope. I can't explain how much I learned about hope this transfer. Hope conquers discouragement. Everyone has trials. But when we keep on keeping on and keep hoping and keep knowing that things will work out for our good as we put our faith and hope and trust in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, then eventually we will see the blessings. We will see miracles! This week was a week of miracles. The last day of the transfer was when we got our baptismal date, even though that was our goal the whole transfer. The Lord hears and answers prayers and He keeps His side of the bargain. I love Alma 25:17 ("Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, and Himni, and their brethren did rejoice exceedingly, for the success which they had had among the Lamanites, seeing that the Lord had granted unto them according to their prayers, and that he had also verified his word unto them in every particular."), especially after reading Alma 17:7-11: (excerpts: "they fasted much and prayed much that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an instrument in the hands of God to bring, if it were possible, their brethren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge of the truth, to the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers, which were not correct. ... And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.")

In other news, we had mission leader council on Friday at the mission home. It was super duper good and I learned a lot.

This is the Lord's work and it's true. If life was easy it wouldn't be hard, and if it wasn't hard it wouldn't be worth it. But it is ALWAYS worth it.

We've got temple conference tomorrow! I'm so excited!

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