Monday, January 20, 2014

Just another week of the best work on earth

We saw some really great miracles this week. As always, one of our biggest miracles was our "baptism date". We had a great lesson with him and finished nearly all of the lessons. We just need to finish a few more commandments and then we're going to start the lessons over and go through them all again, partly because he asked us to so that he can really internalize it. He has the best questions and is so excited to learn more and make the changes in his life necessary to be baptized. We went through the baptismal interview questions with him and he’s got it down. He's going through so much, but the gospel really helps. He asks tons of great questions and keeps us on our toes! It is truly a privilege to teach him. We're a little worried about him because we haven't been able to get ahold of him for a few days now, but I'm sure everything will turn out okay.

We had a lot of cancelled appointments, but on Saturday we decided to bike out to Bovensmilde to see a potential whose boyfriend had told us that she would be there then. We had considered not going because it is kind of far away and we didn't have a lot of time but we decided to anyway. And she was there! She had just gotten home, actually, so the timing was perfect. She let us in and we had a great lesson with her. At first it was a little awkward because she didn't seem super open or receptive, but suddenly she started asking us a bunch of questions and we were able to have a good lesson with her. She has two kids and her boyfriend has two also and she gladly accepted a Book of Mormon. And she set up a new appointment with us this week and said that she thought that she might come to church sometime! So we're pretty excited about her.

And we had another investigator come to church! She has been making really great progress and said that she would come to church at our last appointment last Sunday night, but then she wasn't there for the first two meetings (we have Sacrament Meeting last). So I called her after Relief Society and asked if she was still planning on coming, and she said that she'd forgotten and that she was busy with homework, but that she'd think about it. But then she came! That was super exciting.

One couple dropped us this week, which is too bad, but it'll work out, I know. They've still got a Book of Mormon and if the time in their life comes that they want to find more, they know where to find us.

Everything happens for a reason, but that as we do our absolute best, the Lord will give us success. That success looks different in every different time in our lives, but the Lord truly loves us and wants us to be happy! That’s our message to the world, that life is all about happiness. Ultimately the most important happiness comes from living the gospel, because the Lord knows best of all how we can be the most happy. I’m so happy, and I hope that all of you are too. :)

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